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Training Center Presence
S. NoPartner NamePOC NamePOC EmailPOC Number
1Navjyoti Global Solutions Pvt. Ltd.Tanu
2Skilofessional Pvt Ltd.Abhishek Guptaabhishekpt26@gmail.com9999246942
3Reliable Tree Educational ServicesDilip Kumartot.reliabletree@gmail.com9810584859
4Sakshi EnterprisesKavita Mehrakavita.sakshienterprises@gmail.com9625157969
5Skill EdutechShiv
6Mendtric Solutions Private LimitedAnuj Kumar Patelinfo.mendtric@gmail.com9713476599
7Radma In-SightRohit Sharmarohit.sharma@radma-insights.com8595400827

The above list is the laundry list of ToT partners who have readiness in the qualification and version selected by you. IT-ITeS SSC does not differentiate between these ToT partners and you are therefore requested to carry out your due-diligence as part of your selection of the ToT partner. IT-ITeS SSC has no control over the outcome of the training. Also, it may be kindly noted that the list of ToT partners is based on their Master Trainer certificate validity being at least 15 days from your proposed training end date. Further, any change in the training proposed may have a repercussion on the above list.

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